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Quickbid instead of SNAP today!

Written 01.31.2023, 08:16

On the auction today we will have a new function that we call Quickbid. it will replace the SNAP functionality from this day forward, January 31st 2023.

Quickbid happens when a buyer pushes the purchase button too early, it should always mean that he intends to purchase the fish. That is why we are going to take the „SNAP“ out of our system and introduce a new method called „Quickbid“ or in Icelandic „Flýtiboð“. That will work in the same manner as the „SNAP“ except it will make a bid when a „SNAP“ occurs and therefore the buyer will be obliged to buy the fish at the price that he “snapped“ on if it‘s not bought at a higher price. More about the change and reason for it here.